I love providing art classes that stimulate creativity, imagination, education, expansion and lots of fun!
Throughout the term we will use a variety of subjects, styles and art materials where your child will get to evolve their own innate creativeness with lots of guidance and support. This can include acrylic painting, watercolour painting, oil pastels, drawing, crafts and more!
I provide a safe, nurturing friendly space for your child to be comfortable and also able to make new friends.
After School Art Classes

Term 1, 2025 at Highbury Community House
(Every Tuesday for 9 weeks)
Starts February 11th.
3:30pm - 5:00pm
Highbury House, 110 Hinemoa Street,
Birkenhead, Auckland
Ages 6-13
Book now! ​
Term 1 , 2025 at Devonport Community House
Starts February 12th (Every Wednesday for 9 weeks)
Devonport Community House, 32 Clarance Street, Devonport, Auckland.
Ages 6-13
Book now!
Full Term:
$270 for 9 sessions
Send an email to angela@creative-sparks.co.nz to confirm your place. You will receive an email back from Creative Sparks with payment details etc.
Enroll today to secure your spot!
(Limited to 12 students per term)

Meet your teacher, Angela Heemskerk.
I have been a professional artist for nearly 30 years selling many private paintings as well as exhibiting in galleries and working for design agencies.
For the last few years, I have been working as an art educator. I'm passionate about developing and encouraging creative thinking and expanding your children’s unique abilities in a supportive nurturing environment.